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注册接收电子邮件更新 about this program, including information about schedules and registration.

At a time when many Americans are reaching retirement age, the need for personal financial planning expertise is greater than ever. 招聘人员和潜在雇主都认为CFP®认证是这个不断发展的领域中最受欢迎的认证. 
Personal Financial Planning - 财务规划基础 - 100% Online
这是一门与高级规划教育集团(APEG)合作开设的新课程。. 成功完成PFP 37010 Course (Personal Financial Planning), along with successful passage of the State Life, 健康, & 事故许可证和由FINRA(金融行业监管机构)管理的SIE(证券业基础)考试, 是否允许参与者绕过3年工作经验的先决条件进入开放大学高管课程,并满足CFP®教育要求. 
行政程序- 100%在线
为期12个月的高管课程是为在金融服务行业至少有2-3年财务规划经验的专业人士设计的. 任何经验要求的例外情况都需要咨询委员会和/或项目主任的批准. 
Shar Banks, Certified Financial Planning Program Director
For questions about registration, please contact (电子邮件保护).

的cohort-based, one-year 可执行程序 requires the completion of six courses, 每个周期为8周. All courses are required to sit for the CFP® Examination. 该计划的目标是帮助参与者通过使用适用于成人学习风格的技术和将融入繁忙的工作和个人生活的时间表成功完成材料.

365英国上市官网的个人财务规划证书课程在华盛顿注册了CFP®标准委员会, D.C. OU's program was one of the first in the country to be registered by the CFP® Board, and the program abides by all Board standards. 

财务规划基础 Course Description

PFP 37010课程将通过虚拟的按需提供
学习课程.  T在这里 will be a quiz at the end of each module in addition to a final exam at
the end of the course designed to assess the understanding of the content delivered.  如果一个
Certificate of Achievement for passing the PFP 37010 Course.

成功完成PFP 37010, 配上国家生活, 健康, 事故许可证和SIE(证券业要件)考试完成情况由美国金融业监管局(FINRA)管理
to enroll in the OU 可执行程序 to obtain the CFP® education requirements.

Suggested Materials: None required; supplemental reading can be found in the American
which can be purchased separately from the American College.

Instructors:  The content and Instructors will be managed by APEG (Advanced Planning
高级学位,如J.D., CPA或CFP®.

365英国上市官网,APEG, 公司. and/or the Instructors for liability or reliance on any
information provided in the PFP 37010 Course. 

PFP 37010课程:主题总结

  • Introduction to Financial Planning - Learn about the Financial Planning process and how
    to create opportunities for financial planning
  • 遗产规划 – Learn the key elements essential for 遗产规划
  • 公司ome Tax - Learn the basics of 公司ome Tax under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act and
    discuss the importance of 公司ome Tax planning in the Financial Planning process 
  • Risk Management / Insurance - Learn about Insurance and other techniques that can be
  • Retirement 公司ome Planning - Learn how to help clients plan for Retirement
  • 员工福利,社会保障和医疗保险-学习这些复杂的要点
  • Investment Planning - Learn the basics of Investments
  • College Planning - Learn the importance of helping families plan for college costs
    without jeopardizing their other financial goals

课程主题在八周的时间内完成,最后两周用于网络研讨会演示和根据需要进行个性化复习. 可选的40小时的CFP®考试回顾在三月的CFP®考试之前战略性地举行. 

每个月的一个星期一被保留为基础掌握课程(顶点的一部分),涵盖了介绍财务规划过程, including gathering and analyzing client data, 发展的建议, and reading and understanding a complete financial plan. 

1) Investments, Survey, and Financial Calculator

新近重新设计的个人财务规划和投资原则介绍.  Participants receive an extensive introduction to the financial planning process, 货币的时间价值, 道德的考虑, economic environment and essential investment planning concepts.  The course includes study of securities markets, 投资资产类别, 投资组合构建, 投资技巧, 工具和策略.  This course is a prerequisite to all the other courses in the program.  An HP10BII calculator is required for the program.


旨在使提供个人财务规划服务的专业人士认识到许多所得税规划可能出现的机会和困境. The course covers the fundamentals of individual income taxation and tax law overview, 术语和计算. Discussion and analysis will focus on practical problems involving tax planning implications of home ownership; property transactions; tax advantage investments; divorce and remarriage; forms of business ownership; accounting methods and periods; life insurance, 年金, and securities; intra-family and charitable transfers; and forms and methods of employment compensation.


调查风险管理,主要是在生命、健康、意外伤害和责任保险领域. 包括风险暴露分析, evaluation techniques for various insurance plans, and contract selection criteria from a cost-benefit standpoint. 公司ome and estate taxation laws as related to insurance premiums and benefits; alternative methods of funding insurance premiums; and the role of insurance in retirement and estate planning will also be discussed.

Provides working knowledge of retirement planning tools, 术语, 和技术, 包括规则, 规定, and taxation of qualified and non-qualified plans: Pension, 利润分享, 401(k), 9月, 爱尔兰共和军, 递延补偿. 包括研究特定员工福利的基本特征,如团体人寿保险和团体健康保险. 财务规划过程将在课堂讨论中强调,并从实践经验和实际案例中加以说明

5)遗产规划 & 高级案例研究

最近重新设计的, 本课程采用案例研究的方法,将遗产规划的基本要素与实际应用相结合.  The course covers the estate planning process, 物业拥有权及影响, 与生命和死亡相关的转移, 法律文件, 联邦赠予和遗产税法, 业务转移, 房地产估价, and income tax ramifications in estate planning. 案例研究整合了财务规划过程的各个方面,重点是遗产规划.  Students are expected to participate actively in the case presentations.

6) 基本面 of Financial Planning/Capstone

The Capstone will be offered in partnership with Dalton 教育. The 制定财务计划 course features solid, 实际应用的所有材料涵盖在以前的类,并将覆盖整个周期的执行计划. 学生需要准备一份全面的书面财务计划,并口头提交, according to rules established by 注册理财规划师 Board of Standards, 公司. 课程提供了相关的, 对国家认证考试案例的综合策划和最高级别的准备有实践经验.


这门可选但强烈推荐的复习课程提供40小时的全面复习,包括案例场景. 参加我们课程的学生有资格获得道尔顿考试复习课程300美元的折扣. 


Students connected with APEG and its strategic partners, RightCapital, SPS Family and Producers Choice are eligible for discounted pricing. 联系 (电子邮件保护) 了解更多信息.

One Monday of each month is reserved for the 制定财务计划(part of the capstone) which covers the introduction to the financial planning process, including gathering and analyzing client data, 发展的建议, and reading and understanding a complete financial plan. 


我们提供旋转木马模型. Students may enter the program in January, April, or September.  具体课程日期请按 在这里

除财务计划发展以外的所有课程将于周三晚上6-9:30举行. 制定财务计划 will take place once a month on Monday from 6-8pm.





成本: 总学费为5100美元. 付款计划可用. *课本需另行购买.

Investments, Financial Calculator, and 基本面

退休计划 & 基本面
遗产规划 & 基本面

教材: Textbooks must be purchased separately, to purchase click 在这里
  • 365英国上市官网 discount applied automatically, no code needed
  • 公司ludes ebook, Qbank questions, online study guide and assessments *Print Textbook available for an additional cost 
  • For additional information and step by step instructions please contact Shar Banks, (电子邮件保护)